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AI powered Medical Diagnosis & Medical data(EMR) management with blockchain

Over the decades, AI or artificial intelligence have extended its reach to various fields and areas of Human life. Which is accelerated by the evaluation of open source AI platforms such as openai, tensorflow, deepmind etc. Multinational companies like Tesla, Uber, Weymo and Alphabet are spending big amount in the AI race. As billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban said,The first trillionaire on this planet will be the one who wins the AI race. A good example of recent breakthrough that has been made in this field is Amazon’s introduction of its Cashier-less stores in the US and driver-less car by Uber.

EMR, medical record keeping and AI

On the other hand, mobile devices have conquered the digital content space over desktops and laptops which lead to the launch of thousands of apps per day on Playstore as well as I-store. In the near future, majority of apps’ back end will be controlled by AI powered systems, which will make app more users friendly. Also apps will be able to do more functionality with machine learning. This will give room for development of AI powered applications software that will be able to predict the probabilities of possible outcome through consistent learning and data collection.

As we continue to use our various devices for our daily activities like social networking, business supervising, education, health monitoring, fitness activities, pedometer and other stuffs, these devices continuously obtain and keeps tracking data on us. Now, healthcare providers are beginning to tap into this vast wealth of data resources with the aid of our mobile devices guided by artificial intelligence. A good example of such application is “Ada app, Dr AI, Your MD, AiCure, and Babylon Health.” These are but a few of such mobile application that is available for use.

For instance, Ada app have garnered a lot of attention from the medical field when it was launched, it is powered by an AI system which acts as a virtual health companion that assist individuals in assessing symptoms and making possible diagnosis while tracking individual health progress and sharing those data with health care personnel or physicians. In near future mobile apps will be able to do medical pre-screening, which will help mankind to achieve quick and error free medical aid to needy. This will help both patient and the physician in numerous ways, thereby changing the functioning of health care industry to a great extent.

Our organisation is committed to providing such a system to mankind which can be used across all geographical areas. According to the principle of machine learning, each patient today will be a case-study for tomorrow and so on. This process will make system perfect as time continues to progress. My dream is to have the same central database that every medical institution and hospital can access information from it and contribute to use it every day.

There are lots of advantages that come with sharing a central database across the world. One of this is the fact that it will aid in detecting new diseases and its symptoms, affected areas, possible spread, prevention, etc. If these information are stored using blockchain technology, it would create ideal scenario for accessing such information with ease no matter where you may be. From crypto currencies to insurance industry and govt bodies next will be blockchain revolution over medical records and diagnosis. Which will be beneficial to entire human kind unlike other sectors.

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